Yara Malakhova

Яра Малахова

**Blood Type:** A+

**Abilities/Esoa:** Chronos

**Elemental Affinity:** Null

Weapon(s): ****Non-combatant


Jealous of the reach and appeal of Fortuna, Yevgeny attempts to claim disputed territory that borders their two States. This land was also where he went on a first date with his wife Yara Malakhova. He will lead the charge in Azzah while sacrificing the intimacy of his marriage with Yara. He has a son, Dominus, with Yara, that becomes The Keeper of Time in the ancient days of Tiers. He will die in combat with Carena when his life expires and he is frozen in time, leaving behind his wife that is pregnant with his heir, Dominus.


Born with a rare ‘disease’ (Interitus), she ages faster than most. Her aging is about 3x the speed of the average human. Her ailment is actually an esoa, although to most, there is no true benefit to having it, as it is a timely march towards death.

Public Fiction

Born in the military city of Volosk, Yevgeny studies war until his mid 20s where the prior Tsar steps down in favour of his brilliance.
